
September 2022, 3rd place - Video Competition Award at the ESCRS Milan, Italy (200 international video submissions)
June 2022, Winner - APACRS Film Festival Awards in Seoul, South Korea
September 2021, Winner - Eyefox Video Award - Berlin
January 2020, Winner - Eyefox Video Award - Berlin: Special Prize of the Jury: Title: The Time Tunnel
Winner - The RX Club - New York: Award of Excellence Title: Eyes of the World, calendar for Pfizer, all images made by me
25th ASCRS Annual Film Festival, San Diego: Runner-up Award for Eyeland Design Network. Title: Envisioning Beauty
eHealthcare Leadership Awards: Platinum Level Award. Best Special Effects for vision simulator animations.
Finalist Certificate Title: The View Through the Artist`s Eyes, Category: Brand Reminders
Finalist Certificate Title: Eyesight - Ophthalmic Patient brochure, Category: Consumer Brochure
ESCRS/Alcon Film Festival Paris, France Title: Posterior Chamber Verisyse Lens Implantation, Category: Special Cases - Second Prize
Winner - The RX Club - New York: Award of Excellence Title: The View Through the Artist`s Eyes, Category: Brand Reminders
Winner at the Ophthalmic Photographers Society at the ASCRS Symposium, San Diego in several categories