New Video "Light in Your Eyes"

Video in FullHD. Click here to watch Please be patient while loading ...

Illustration for Eye Hospital Ahaus

color pencil illustration (size 70 x 100 cm)


WOC 2010 Opening Ceremony in Berlin

Eyeland Design Network produced the stunning animations, pictures and video material for the WOC Opening Ceremony.

World Ophthalmology News: Amazing WOC opening ceremony
BERLIN (jp) - Beautiful pictures, historical reminiscences and powerful drum beats: The opening ceremony on Saturday evening was an impressing event. The crowd witnessed a show that was really worth waiting for. ...Videos, pictures and animations designed by Dr. Karl Brasse and his colleagues of Eyeland Desgin were a highlight of the show, illuminating the beauty of the eye and of vision.
Click here for some impressions. Requires the latest QuickTime-Player.

Coming back from NYC & Boston

made tons of pictures. Have a look at the travel section. You can buy a lot of this images as Art Prints. Visit my SHOP

Winner - The RX Club - New York, November 2009:

The Xalatan 2009 Calendar won an Award of Excellence at the 23rd Annual Rx Club Show.
The calendar was chosen out of over 2000 entries in the overall competition.
ll images made by me. Click here to view

New Booth Trailer for Pfizer Switzerland

for Aricept® in german and french

Digital Painting

New Category "Fake Models"

Images look like they're actually of miniature models. Click here

Brochure Self Promotion

click here to download the self promotion brochure I made for Eyeland.

1stQ Web Presentation

view site: